Pilates para Escoliosis
Código Curso: PE
Duración del Curso: 4 horas
Lugar: RicPrados Espacios, Pilates, Osteopatía, Terapia & Arte
Coste: 100€ (Descuentos a ex-alumnos de RicPrados)
La columna vertebral de cada persona presenta una curvatura. Cierto nivel de curvatura es esencial para que la persona mantenga el equilibrio, se mueva y camine correctamente. Pero 3 de cada 100 personas tienen escoliosis, una enfermedad que hace que la columna se curve demasiado en dirección equivocada.
En nuestro quehacer profesional, será muy común encontrarnos con personas con escoliosis. Es nuestro objetivo proporcionar las herramientas necesarias al instructor Pilates, para potenciar de forma individual y/o colectiva el entrenamiento del sujeto con curvatura asimétrica, y así mantener la espalda estable, mediante acondicionamiento físico e higiene postural.
Además, veremos las generalidades y particularidades de otras patologías de columna, dentro del acondicionamiento físico en el entorno del Método Pilates: características, contraindicaciones y protocolos de ejercicios para diferentes casos.
The backbone of every person presents a curvature. Certain degree of curvature is essential for keeping balance, moving and walking properly. But 3 of every 100 people have scoliosis, a disease that causes that spine curve too much in the wrong direction.
Through in our professional life, it is very common to find people with scoliosis. This workshop intends to provide the Pilates Instructor with needed tools, in order to enhance in an individual and/or collective way, the training for the client suffering this asymmetric curve, and thus maintain a stable trunk, through movement, exercice and postural hygiene.
In addition, you will see generalities and particularities of other spine pathologies for body coditioning in the environment of the Pilates method: characteristics, modifications and exercices for different cases.
The backbone of every person presents a curvature. Certain degree of curvature is essential for keeping balance, moving and walking properly. But 3 of every 100 people have scoliosis, a disease that causes that spine curve too much in the wrong direction.
Through in our professional life, it is very common to find people with scoliosis. This workshop intends to provide the Pilates Instructor with needed tools, in order to enhance in an individual and/or collective way, the training for the client suffering this asymmetric curve, and thus maintain a stable trunk, through movement, exercice and postural hygiene.
In addition, you will see generalities and particularities of other spine pathologies for body coditioning in the environment of the Pilates method: characteristics, modifications and exercices for different cases.